
AFAP Participation at Landbank 'Farmers Day' Event

28 Mar 2024

The African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP) recently took part in the Landbank ‘Farmers Day’ event, a collaborative effort between Landbank, the Ministry of Agriculture, Gauteng Province, and the City of Tshwane. The occasion served as a platform to celebrate and empower farmers while fostering partnerships to drive agricultural development in South Africa.

AFAP’s participation underscored its commitment to supporting agricultural initiatives and empowering smallholder farmers across Africa. The organization’s involvement in the event aimed to contribute to the discourse on South Africa’s agricultural sustainability, innovation, and inclusive growth.

The Landbank ‘Farmers Day’ event provided an opportunity for AFAP to engage with stakeholders from various sectors, including government officials, agricultural experts, farmers, and industry leaders. Through interactive sessions, discussions, and networking opportunities, AFAP shared insights, best practices, and resources to enhance agricultural productivity and resilience.

One of the highlights of AFAP’s participation was its emphasis on promoting sustainable agricultural practices and the responsible use of fertilizers. By advocating for balanced fertilization approaches and providing knowledge on soil health management, AFAP aims to support farmers in maximizing yields while minimizing environmental impact.

AFAP’s participation at the Landbank ‘Farmers Day’ event is an indication of the organisation’s commitment to actively begin in-country activities that will lead to AFAP projects in South Africa.